Many innovations will come to light, which will make extensive use of nanotechnology. We know little about the natural phenomena that are surrounding us. In truth everything is already made and is near us, but we just can’t see because we need in the course of time develop our science and create new tools that will make us capable of discovering new chemical elements.
There is a famous maxim from French chemist Lavoisier that is:
In nature nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.
We are in a constant process of evolution and development.
With the discovering of new chemical elements and inherent natural phenomena, we’ll be capable of creating new types of materials what on the other hand will bring over more and more discoveries. Discoveries lead to innovations.
If we think that we are working with minuscule particles and that the smaller particle hasn’t been discovered yet, we can assert that we have a lot to learn. In truth it wasn’t long since that the first chemical elements were discovered.
Now it’s interesting to catch sight of how many nice opportunities there are to use nanotechnology. As an example: the manufacturing process of computer processors. I just can’t wait to have a super fast computer. To that end it’s necessary that nanotechnology evolves. For a faster processor it is necessary that billions of small electrical components called transistors be placed in a microchip. The smaller the transistors the greater amount of them can be put in a single chip. There’s a law specific to this subject called Moore's law.
New techniques can also be applied in the medicine field with the development of robots invisible to the human eyes that can flow within the human body fighting against all sorts of diseases.
At last, nanotechnology is a really important and promising technology and I expect that it evolves rapidly for the sake of men’s well being of course because other forms of use also exists. I won’t comment about them here. I think that the reader caught what I want to express with this. If not, try to remember about war technologies.
I can foresee that in a time period of 40 years (approximately 2050) we’ll be in a new baseline and nanotechnology will be a completely forgotten technology. As a matter of fact, it always happens with technologies.
As of the date of this post we already have 11 nanometers technology. For comparison, the processor Intel Core Duo that is the one I use today is manufactured with a 65 nanometers technology.