Quicksort and Binary Search algorithms in C++

This post is related to one of the best coursework I've done during the computer engineering course. I'm really proud of it. It was the cornerstone in my programming career and helped me choose an area to put my efforts from that moment on. I was in the 5th term out of 10 (3rd year of the course out of 5 more exactly). The discipline was Programming Languages.

This subject is fantastic and is used extensively throughout the the computer science field.

First I'll give a short description about the Quicksort and Binary Search algorithms and then I'll present the work that I and my dear brother in faith Wellington Magalhães Leite did.


Quicksort is a well-known sorting algorithm developed by C. A. R. Hoare. Typically, quicksort is significantly faster in practice than other sorting algorithms, because its inner loop can be efficiently implemented on most architectures.

Binary Search

A binary search algorithm (or binary chop) is a technique for finding a particular value in a sorted list. It makes progressively better guesses, and closes in on the sought value by selecting the median element in a list, comparing its value to the target value, and determining if the selected value is greater than, less than, or equal to the target value. A guess that turns out to be too high becomes the new top of the list, and a guess that is too low becomes the new bottom of the list. Pursuing this strategy iteratively, it narrows the search by a factor of two each time, and finds the target value.

Our paper

Our paper is entitled Quicksort and Binary Search Algorithms. You can get a copy at the end of this post.

Without more ado, see its abstract bellow:

Sorting and searching algorithms are a core part of the computer science area. They are used throughout the programming work when you need to sort a set of data and when you need to search for a specific record (key) present in such set of data.

Quicksort is one of the fastest (quick) sorting algorithms and is most used in huge sets of data. It performs really well in such situations.

Binary search tree is one of the fastest searching algorithms and is applied in a sorted set of data. It reduces the search space by 2 in each iteration, hence its name (binary).

In this paper we present the intrinsic nature of each algorithm as well as a functional implementation of such algorithms in the C++ programming language.

Keywords: quicksort, binary search, sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, c++ programming language

  1.1 Objective 6
  1.2 Definition 6
      1.2.1 Sorting algorithms 6
      1.2.2 Searching algorithms 7
  2.1 Quicksort algorithm (swapping and partitioning) 8
      2.1.1 Detailed steps 8
  2.2 Binary search algorithm 9
  2.3 Studying the efficiency of the methods 9
      2.3.1 The big O notation 9
      2.3.2 Quicksort efficiency 10
   The best and the worst case 10
   Comparison with other sorting algorithms 11
      2.3.3 Binary search efficiency 11
  3.1 Quicksort implementation 12
  3.2 Binary search implementation 13

Words of wisdom

As I mentioned, during the 5th term of the computer engineering course our teacher Marcus Vinicius Carvalho Guelpeli selected some sorting and searching algorithms to pass to the class as a coursework.

The coursework should be done in pairs and each pair should select a sorting and searching algorithm to compose a paper about it. We selected the quicksort and the binary search algorithms. The teacher advised us that these weren't the easy ones. I just thought: that's what I want. I don't want the easy ones. Why? Because if you get just the easy problems I'll never understand something that demands a more deep approach and every time a difficult task is given you'll tend to refuse it. What's the best thing to do? Just accept the challenge and go for it. Chances are you'll succeed. That's just what happened with us.

We haven't just written about the quicksort and the binary search, we implemented it and presented it to the class in a power point presentation. The teacher liked it so much that our grade was the highest possible! :-) In the end what did we feel? An amazing feeling. Something such that the work had been done and we learned a lot from it. That’s what a college and even an online computer science degree program is supposed to do. Give you the subjects and motivate you; teaching the basic so that you can dig up the more difficult aspects of the subject being taught.

So what's next? Well, I'll explain how we implemented the quicksort and the binary search algorithms.

Quicksort and Binary search algorithms implementation in C++

One of the things that I've always listened to was about code reuse. You search for something already implemented so that you just haven't to reinvent the wheel. Of course you'll complement or even adapt the available code to your situation. That was what we did. I found some code for the quick sort at MSDN and implemented the binary search one. Unfortunately the page at MSDN isn't available anymore. It's been three years since I hit that page.

I wanted a way of measuring the time elapsed so that we could compare the efficiency of both methods when they were fed with different input data sets. The input is nothing more than a text file .txt full of numbers in this case. Can be any data you want. Each test case we passed a text file with different random numbers and different quantity of numbers. For example, in a test case we passed a file named 2500.txt, that means 2500 random numbers. In another test case we passed other file named 7500.txt as so on. I think you got it. Doing so we could compare how well the algorithms were performing.

To generate the random numbers we used an Excel spreadsheet with the formula =RAND()*1000000. For each set of data we generated new numbers and copied and pasted those numbers into the text files that are the input for our program. During a coursework as this one we get to learn everywhere, even a new formula in Excel. It's really good. ;-)

Again, I searched for a timing class that I could reuse with the code and for sure I found it. I didn't use it at all but I used it to learn about how to measure time in C++. It's amazing how fast you can implement something. Much of the things you need related to programming are already implemented. You just have to search for it as is what you're doing here, I think! You searched for the subject of this post and here you are seeing something implemented. Try to learn from it and just don't copy the entire work and think that you know about it. It's wrong. Try to understand what the code is doing. Dive into the theory because it explains the inner essence.

The code that follows is well commented which is something every developer should do. You see, it was three years ago when we worked with this code. Today it's difficult to remember every step I took. The comments helped me to remember almost everything.

Bellow I present the quick sort method we borrowed from MSDN (we adapted it to fit our case). Note the use of the Partition method (explained in the accompanying paper):

// QuickSort implementation
void QuickSort(char** szArray, int nLower, int nUpper)
 // Check for non-base case
 if(nLower < nUpper)
   // Split and sort partitions
   int nSplit = Partition(szArray, nLower, nUpper);
   QuickSort(szArray, nLower, nSplit - 1);
   QuickSort(szArray, nSplit + 1, nUpper);

// QuickSort partition implementation
int Partition (char** szArray, int nLower, int nUpper)
 // Pivot with first element
 int nLeft = nLower + 1;
 char* szPivot = szArray[nLower];
 int nRight = nUpper;

 // Partition array elements
 char* szSwap;
 while(nLeft <= nRight)
   // Find item out of place
   while(nLeft <= nRight && strcmp (szArray[nLeft], szPivot) <= 0)
     nLeft = nLeft + 1;
   while (nLeft <= nRight && strcmp (szArray[nRight], szPivot) > 0)
     nRight = nRight - 1;

   // Swap values if necessary
   if(nLeft < nRight)
     szSwap = szArray[nLeft];
     szArray[nLeft] = szArray[nRight];
     szArray[nRight] = szSwap;
     nLeft = nLeft + 1;
     nRight = nRight - 1;

 // Move pivot element
 szSwap = szArray[nLower];
 szArray[nLower] = szArray[nRight];
 szArray[nRight] = szSwap;
 return nRight;

Now see the binary search method implementation that we did:

int BinarySearch(char** szArray, char key[], int nLower, int nUpper)
 // Termination case
 if(nLower > nUpper)
   return 0;

 int middle = (nLower + nUpper) / 2;

 if(strcmp(szArray[middle], key) == 0)
   return middle;
   if(strcmp(szArray[middle], key) > 0)
     // Search left
     return BinarySearch(szArray, key, nLower, middle - 1);
   // Search right
   return BinarySearch(szArray, key, middle + 1, nUpper);

The next ones are the method prototypes and the main entry point that calls a menu. According to the user passed parameters we call the quicksort and the binary search methods:

// Function prototypes
void Menu(void);
void QuickSort(char** szArray, int nLower, int nUpper);
int Partition(char** szArray, int nLower, int nUpper);
int BinarySearch(char** szArray, char key[], int nLower, int nUpper);

// Application initialization
void main(void)
 char op;

   printf("\n\nDo you wanna a new QuickSort? Y/N");
   op = getche();
     op = toupper(op);
 while(op == 'Y');

void Menu(void)
 // Clear screen

 // Control execution time
 clock_t initial, final;

 // Print startup banner
 printf("\nQuickSort C++ Sample Application\n");
 printf("Copyright (c)2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n\n");
 printf("MSDN ACADEMIC ALLIANCE [http://www.msdnaa.net/]\n\n");
 printf("BinarySearch C++ Sample Application\n");
 printf("Copyright (c)2005 Leniel Braz de Oliveira Macaferi & Wellington Magalhaes Leite.\n");
 printf("UBM COMPUTER ENGINEERING - 5TH SEMESTER [http://www.ubm.br/]\n\n");

 // Describe program function
 printf("This program example demonstrates the QuickSort and BinarySearch algorithms by\n");
 printf("reading an input file, sorting its contents, writing them to a new file and\n");
 printf("searching on them.\n\n");

 // Prompt user for filenames
 char szSrcFile[1024], szDestFile[1024];
 printf("Source: ");
 printf("Output: ");

 // Read contents of source file
 const long nGrow = 8;
 long nAlloc = nGrow;
 long nSize = 0;
 char** szContents = new char* [nAlloc];
 char szSrcLine[1024];
 FILE* pStream = fopen(szSrcFile, "rt");

 while(fgets(szSrcLine, 1024, pStream))
   // Trim newline character
   char* pszCheck = szSrcLine;
   while(*pszCheck != '\0')
     if(*pszCheck == '\n' && *(pszCheck + 1) == '\0')
       *pszCheck = '\0';

   // Append to array
   szContents[nSize] = new char [strlen(szSrcLine) + 1];
   strcpy(szContents[nSize], szSrcLine);
   nSize = nSize + 1;

   if(nSize % nGrow == 0)
     // Resize the array
     char** szPrev = szContents;
     nAlloc += nGrow;
     szContents = new char* [nAlloc];
     memcpy(szContents, szPrev, nSize * sizeof(char*));
     delete szPrev;
 fclose (pStream);

 initial = clock();

 // Pass to QuickSort function
 QuickSort(szContents, 0, nSize - 1);

 final = clock();

 // Write sorted lines
 pStream = fopen (szDestFile, "wt");
 for(int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nSize; nIndex++)
   // Write line to output file
   fprintf (pStream, "%s\n", szContents[nIndex]);
 fclose (pStream);

 // Report program success
 printf("\nThe sorted lines have been written to the output file.\n\n");

 // QuickSort execution time
 double duration = (double)(final - initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

 printf("The QuickSort execution time was: %2.9lf s = %.0lf ms = %.0lf \xE6s\n\n", duration, duration * 1000, duration * 1000000);

 char op = '\0';

   printf("Do you wanna a BinarySearch to locate a specific key? Y/N");

   op = getche();
     op = toupper(op);
   if(op == 'Y')
     printf("\n\nType the key you want to search for: ");
     char key[1024];

     initial = clock();

     if(BinarySearch(szContents, key, 0, nSize - 1))
       final = clock();

       duration = (double)(final - initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

       printf("\nKey found!\n\n");

       printf("The BinarySearch execution time was: %2.9lf s = %.0lf ms = %.0lf \xE6s\n\n", duration, duration * 1000, duration * 1000000);

       final = clock();

       duration = (double)(final - initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

       printf("\nKey not found!\n\n");

       printf("The BinarySearch execution time was: %2.9lf s = %.0lf ms = %.0lf \xE6s\n\n", duration, duration * 1000, duration * 1000000);

     // Deallocate entire array
     for(int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nSize; nIndex++)
       // Delete current array element
       delete szContents[nIndex];

     delete szContents;
     szContents = NULL;
 while(op == 'Y'); 

Visual Studio C++ Console Application

You can get the project files at:

Random number generator

You can get the spreadsheet responsible for this task at:

How to use it?

To use the program:
  1. Enter the name of a file that contains unsorted data;
  2. Use the sample files included in the .ZIP package as: 1000.txt and 2500.txt;
  3. In the command line "Source", type: 1000.txt;
  4. In the command line "Output", type a name to the file that will be sorted. e.g.: sorted.txt;
  5. After the sorting process, choose if you want or not to execute a Binary Search. If yes, provide a value to be searched. If not, choose if it is or not desired to execute a new Quicksort.

- To generate random numbers, use the file Random numbers generator.xls file;
- The file QuicksortBinarySearch.cpp contains the source code. The same can be used freely. Mention the authors.

Efficiency comparison

For the sake of comparison I've run some test cases with different input files. See the result in the table that follows:

Quicksort and Binary search performance
n File name File size (bytes) Timing (milliseconds)
Quicksort Binary search
10000 10000.txt 122.880 16 0
25000 25000.txt 200.704 78 0
50000 50000.txt 401.408 219 0
75000 75000.txt 602.112 360 0
100000 100000.txt 802.816 516 0

It's important to note that the time the quicksort takes appears to be longer but it is not. Why? Because the the program needs to read the file content and write the sorted data back to the output file so that it appears to take longer than the milliseconds shown on the above table. The timing functions just operate while the quicksort is running.

For the the binary search key I've input a value localized in the beginning of the sorted file, in the middle and in the end. There was no time changes. The binary search found the key I entered with a time less than (0 µs - microsecond). I have an AMD Athlon XP 2400 with 512 MB RAM.

See a screenshot of the last test case:


The paper

You can get a copy of the paper in the .PDF format at:

Get-capture-edit your screen with SnagIt

SnagIt is one of few software products that really amazes me. Why? Because it lets me get any kind of screenshot.

With SnagIt I'm able to capture, edit, and share in this blog or wherever exactly what I see on my screen. I can even record any screen activity on my desktop.

I've been a loyal user of SnagIt for more than 4 years now and I recommend it for anyone interested in getting screenshots from their computer screen.

The range of possibilities when it comes to capturing a screenshot with SnagIt is vast.

In the picture bellow you can see the different options/profiles you can chose to capture a screenshot:


To capture the above picture I used the Window profile.

You can capture just a region of the screen as a menu bar or task bar, the entire window, the full screen, a scrolling window or web page that doesn't fit in the window and can even keep the web page links. There are various profiles to choose from.

You can include the mouse cursor in the screenshot so that it's visible what is the action you are emphasizing when capturing the screenshot.

You can output the screenshot to the clipboard, a file, e-mail, to office programs, etc. The output types available are the ones shown on the following picture:


When you're ready, just click on the big read circle with a camera in the main SnagIt window. After doing it SnagIt gets the screenshot and takes you to the SnagIt Editor where it's possible to make customizations on the screenshot just captured.

See the SnagIt Editor:


It's possible to highlight specific areas of the screenshot, add effects and actions to the screenshot and change the size and the color of the same.

SnagIt is a rich product with lots of features. It's impossible to cover all of them in just a blog post. The better thing to get started is to use it to explore all its richness. Once you're familiar with it you'll take advantage of it.

Where do I get SnagIt?
SnagIt is produced and commercialized by TechSmith that specializes in software products for screen capturing/recording in ways that help us "the users" to communicate more clearly, create engaging presentations for diverse audiences, and analyze product usability and experience.

One of its other products is Camtasia Studio that easily record the screen to create training, demo, and presentation videos. It's a must have to those that frequently need to record instructional videos as is the case of IT professionals.

For a more in depth presentation go to SnagIt Feature Overview

For documentation refer to the SnagIt Learning Center

Backup blogger posts with Blogger Backup

If you want to use Blogger’s built in function take a look in this question at StackOverflow.
Updated on 08-10-2010

I just wanted to backup my blogger posts. I searched for a tool that could automate the process and fortunately I found a pretty good piece of software that does just that. Its name is Blogger Backup Utility.

The software enables you to backup your posts with a high degree of customization. You can backup all the blogs you have. Each one will have its own backup settings.

You can choose if you want to save posts' comments, in what format (one Atom XML file per post or all the posts in a single file) to save the posts, if you want only the most recent posts or the ones included in the specified data range.

See the screenshot of the main window bellow:


Clicking on the button Backup File Naming you'll have the chance of specifying the naming options for the backup files.

There are to configurable options: Folder Name Options and Post File Name Options.

In Folder Name Options you can configure the directory structure in which your posts will be saved.

In Post File Name Options you can configure the name of each post.

In both Folder Name and Post File Name, you can chose from a diverse array of patterns to form the name of the directory structure and posts.

See the screenshot of the Backup File Naming Options:


After setting up your blog configurations you can click the button Backup Post in the Main Window.

A progress bar on the status bar and list of processed posts will show you the backup process.

The inverse process is also possible, that is, to restore your blog posts, just click on Restore Posts in the Main Windows.

It's really simple, fast and efficient. It does what it's meant to do.

The app only backups in the Atom file format that is an XML file.

Bellow is the structure of the XML that represents the backup copy of this post:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
  <title type="text">Backup blogger posts with Blogger Backup</title>
  <link href="http://lenielmacaferi.blogspot.com/2008/05/backup-blogger-posts-with-blogger.html" rel="alternate" type="text/html" title="Backup blogger posts with Blogger Backup" />
  <link href="http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=4926735770070291800&amp;postID=7337460476756797508" rel="replies" type="text/html" title="0 Comments" />
<author> <name>Leniel Macaferi</name> <email>noreply@blogger.com</email> <uri>http://www.blogger.com/profile/17950821674268154143</uri> </author> <category term="Blogger" scheme="http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#" /> ...
<content type="html"> ...
</content> <updated>2008-05-15T03:45:31-03:00</updated> <published>2008-05-15T03:08:00-03:00</published> </entry>

I wondered how I could extract only the content that interested me and present it in a different format as HTML.

In a next post I'll show you how to transform the XML returned by Blogger Backup into an HTML file. To that end I'll use a XSLT file.

Where to download Blogger Backup Utility?
You can find Blogger Backup at CodePlex at the following address:

It is developed by only one guy named Greg.

This is the definition given by the author:

The Blogger Backup utility is intended to be a simple utility to backup to local disk your Blogger posts.

Using the GData C# Library, the utility will walk backward in time, from your latest post to your last, saving each post to a local Atom/XML file.

I congratulated him and wrote on the project's page at CodePlex that the addition of the HTML format when saving the posts would be a good feature in case someone wanted to save the posts in an HTML fashion instead of XML.

For more screenshots with descriptions, follow this link:

Integer to Byte using Bitwise Operators

I'm reading the book Expert F# by Don Syme et al. In chapter 3 - Introducing Functional Programming, pg. 29 is listed the F# Bitwise Arithmetic Operators. They are shown in Table 1:

Table 1. Bitwise Arithmetic Operators and Examples
Operator Description Sample Use Result
&&& Bitwise “and” 0x65 &&& 0x0F 0x05
||| Bitwise “or” 0x65 ||| 0x18 0x7D
^^^ Bitwise “exclusive or” 0x65 ^^^ 0x0F 0x6A
~~~ Bitwise negation ~~~0x65 0xFFFFFF9a
<<< Left shift 0x01 <<< 3 0x08
>>> Right shift (arithmetic if signed) 0x65 >>> 3 0x0C

The sample given to help with the understanding of such operators is about an integer encoder. Read the sample statement:

The following sample shows how to use these operators to encode (signed) 32-bit integers into 1, 2, or 5 bytes, represented by returning a list of integers. Integers in the range 0 to 127 return a list of length 1.

The proposed solutions is:

let encode (n: int32) =
    if (n >= 0 && n <= 0x7F) 
    then [ n ]
    elif (n >= 0x80 && n <= 0x3FFF) then [ (0x80 ||| (n >>> 8)) &&& 0xFF;
                                           (n &&& 0xFF) ]
    else [ 0xC0; ((n >>> 24) &&& 0xFF);
                 ((n >>> 16) &&& 0xFF);
                 ((n >>> 8) &&& 0xFF);
                  (n &&& 0xFF) ]

As I have never spent time with code that handles individual bits I had a tough time to understand what was going on with this code. I didn't go further reading the book until I could understand the problem through and through. Obviously the problem statement is clear. The input and output is clearly stated. No doubt. The problem I had was to understand how the code was producing the output. What did I do? I spent some time reading about the bitwise operations. For sure I've studied it on college but I haven't practiced it programmatically through coding. I did lots of exercises about this matter but only analytically, that is, using sheets of paper. Sometimes it's good to write things down and be the processor for an instant!  :-)

I executed the above code mentally and even wrote some test cases to make sure I was understanding the intrinsic aspects of it.

Bellow are the annotations I did to exercise the problem analytically. I provide them so that you can use the annotated calculations to better realize what's going on during the computations:

(* The following sample shows how to use Bitwise Operators to encode (signed) 32-bit integers into 1, 2, or 5 bytes, represented by returning a list of integers. Integers in the range 0 to 127 return a list of length 1: *)
let encode (n: int32) =
// from n >= 0 && n <= 127
    if (n >= 0 && n <= 0x7F) then [ n ]
  // from n >= 128  && n <= 16383                          255
    elif (n >= 0x80 && n <= 0x3FFF) then [ (n >>> 8)) &&& 0xFF;
        (* 192 *)             (* 255 *)    (n &&& 0xFF) ]
    else [ 0xC0; ((n >>> 24) &&& 0xFF);
                 ((n >>> 16) &&& 0xFF);
                 ((n >>> 8)  &&& 0xFF);
                  (n &&& 0xFF) ]

(* Date: 05-08-2008

   Hexa   |   Decimal   |   Binary
   0x7F       127
   0x80       128           10000000
   0x3FFF     16383
   0xFF       255           11111111
   0xC0       192

e.g.: n = 7777 falls into the elif statement returning a list of [2 bytes]

      1st byte              1111001100001 = 7777

                            0000000011110 (n >>> 8)
                             ||| 10000000 = 128
                                 10011110 = 158
                             &&& 11111111 = 255
                                 10011110 = 158

      2nd byte              1111001100001 = 7777
                        &&& 0000011111111 = 255
                            0000001100001 = 97

      list = [158; 97]

e.g.: n = 100000 falls into the else statement returning a list of [5 bytes]

      1st byte = 0xC0 = 192

      2nd byte          11000011010100000 = 100000

                 000000000000000000000000 (n >>> 24)
                             &&& 11111111 = 255  
                        00000000000000000 = 0

      3rd byte          11000011010100000 = 100000

                        00000000000000001 (n >>> 16)
                             &&& 11111111 = 255  
                                        1 = 1

      4th byte          11000011010100000 = 100000

                        00000000110000110 (n >>> 8)
                            &&& 011111111 = 255  
                                010000110 = 134

      5th byte          11000011010100000 = 100000
                    &&& 00000000011111111 = 255  
                        00000000010100000 = 160

      list = [192; 0; 1; 134; 160]

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation#AND *)

I definitely understood the code while I was writing the above annotations. So, what exactly do the bitwise operators do? Consider for example this fragment of the above F# code:

((n >>> 8) &&& 0xFF);

Suppose that n is equal 9876.

Let's convert n to the binary numeral system:

Table 2. Decimal to binary conversion
Operation Remainder
9876 ÷ 2 = 4938 0
4938 ÷ 2 = 2469 0
2469 ÷ 2 = 1234 1
1234 ÷ 2 =  617 0
617 ÷ 2 =  308 1
308 ÷ 2 =  154 0
154 ÷ 2 =   77 0
77 ÷ 2 =   38 1
38 ÷ 2 =   19 0
19 ÷ 2 =    9 1
9 ÷ 2 =    4 1
4 ÷ 2 =    2 0
2 ÷ 2 =    1 0
1 ÷ 2 =    0 1

Reading the sequence of remainders from the bottom up gives the binary number 100110100101002. The subscript 2 is to say that this is a binary number representation (base 2).

Right shift operation
The bitwise operator >>> (right shift) is applied to the bits that represent the integer (decimal) value of  n. By right shifting we in fact push zeros toward the right side of the string of bits. The once least significant bits of the representation are then discarded.

The code above will right shift the value 100110100101002 by 8, that is, 8 zeros will be inserted into the start of the string of bits pushing the least significant bits out of it. What we get is:

10011010010100 = 987610
00000000100110 =   3810 = (n >>> 8)

Bitwise "and" operation
The bitwise operator &&& (bitwise “and”) is then applied to the result of the right shifting operation just executed. It does nothing and is used here just for the sake of exemplification. Therefore the next operation that will be performed is:

    00000000100110 = 3810
&&&       11111111 =  8 bits = 1 byte = 25510
          00100110 = 3810

The comparison process is done in pairs of bits - 1 bit of each string of bits. When the bits that compose the pair are equal 1 the "and" operator outputs 1 otherwise 0.

As you can see the value remains the same after the bitwise "and" operation.

There is a case in which the bitwise "and" operator executes a different operation. The following line of code shows it:

(n &&& 0xFF)

Note that this time there's no right shifting operation. In this case what happens is:

    10011010010100 = 987610
&&&       11111111 = 0xFF16 = 25510
          10010100 =  14810

The above operation is executed so that it's possible to isolate part of the string of bits. The binary representation is broken in chunks of bytes. 1 byte is equal 8 bits.

According to the problem statement. The integer value n will be encoded into 1, 2 or 5 bytes. To achieve this the right shift operator (>>>) and the bitwise "and" operator (&&&) are used so that each chunk of 8 bits is analyzed and then converted to a byte that'll then be represented by its integer value.

The first byte from left to right of n is 100110. Its second byte is 10010100.

The output list of the code would be: [100110; 10010100] = [38; 148]

The following is the screenshot of the real program being executed:


As you see the output matches the analytical reasoning exercised in this post.

Left shift bitwise operation
The bitwise operator <<< (left shift) does just the opposite of the right one, that is, instead of pushing zeros toward the right of the string of bits it actually pushes zeros toward the left. This changes the most significant bits.

For example, the sample given on Table 1 is 0x01 <<< 3 that'll will output a result equal to 0x08. 0x0116 = 110 and 0x0816 = 810. You may be asking yourself: what are those 0x at the beginning of each value. It's the form used to represent an hexadecimal (base 16) inside the programming language.

Getting back to the point, let's get the binary representation of 110: it is 12. This way, left shifting by 3 we'll get:

0001 = 110
1000 = 810 = (1 <<< 3)

Bitwise "or" operation
The bitwise "or" operator (|||) is the opposite of the "and" operator.

For example, the sample given on Table 1 is 0x65 ||| 0x18 that'll output 0x7D. 0x65 = 10110 and 0x1816 = 2410. 0x7D16 = 12510 . We have that 10110 = 11001012 and 2410 = 110002 . This way, applying the bitwise "or" operator we get:

    1100101 = 10110
||| 0011000 =  2410
    1111101 =  12510

Note that additional zeros were added to the second string of bits so that it has the same length of the first.

Again the operation is done by comparing pairs of bits. One of each string of bits at a time. When any of the bits that compose the pair are equal 1 the "or" operator outputs 1. The unique case in which the output is 0 is when both bits are equal 0.

Bitwise “exclusive or” or XOR operation
The bitwise "exclusive or" operator (^^^) outputs 1 if the bits being compared are different or 0 if they are equal.

For example, the sample given on Table 1 is 0x65 ^^^ 0x0F that'll output 0x6A. 0x65 = 10110 and 0x0F16 = 1510. 0x6A16 = 10610 . We have that 10110 = 11001012  and 10610 = 11010102 . This way, applying the “exclusive or” operator we get:

    1100101 = 10110
^^^ 0001111 =  1510
    1101010 = 10610

Bitwise negation or one's complement operation
The bitwise "negation" operator (~~~) is an unary operator that inverts the value of the bit. The operation is done bit by bit. If the bit is 1 then the operator outputs 0 otherwise if it is 0 then the operator outputs 1. It forms the one's complement of a given number.

For example, the sample given on Table 1 is ~~~0x65 that'll output 0xFFFFFF9a. 0x65 = 10110 and 0xFFFFFF9a16 = -10210. This way, applying the "negation" operator we get:

~~~ 01100101 =  10110
    10011010 = -10210

Final notes notes
I hope that you have gotten the principles behind the bitwise arithmetic operators.

Important: do not try to make sense of the encoder code because as the name says it's an encoder, so there are customizations implemented on it, that is, how to dispose the bytes into the output list is done according to the developer's will. That's why it's an encoder. Only who has the encoding pattern can decodes the encoded data! :-)

A good tip: use the computer calculator to exercise more examples. I use the Windows calculator in its scientific fashion/configuration. You can change its standard view through the View menu.

A tribute to Mozilla Firefox nightly builds

Ever wished you could have the latest version of Mozilla Firefox? Think no more. You actually can have it. Keep reading and you'll see how.

On the date of this post the latest version of Firefox that I'm running is the one shown on the following picture (I'm downloading right now the 20080507 nightly build):


As you can see my current version is the one from April, 30th. Look inside the red rectangle. I don't download the nightly build everyday.

One thing interesting is the name: Minefield. Believe me: It's not that minefield as the name states.

Nightly builds
This is what the folks from the Mozilla developer division say about the nightly builds:

Nightly builds are created most weekdays from the previous day's work, these builds may or may not work. Use them to verify that a bug you're tracking has been fixed.

We make nightly builds for testing only. We write code and post the results right away so people like you can join our testing process and report bugs. You will find bugs, and lots of them. Mozilla might crash on startup. It might delete all your files and cause your computer to burst into flames. Don't bother downloading nightly builds if you're unwilling to put up with problems.

I've been using the nightly builds for a long time and from what I found you can have the latest innovations in browsing technologies without worrying about lots of bugs or crashes. Using a nightly build is perfect. You can use it for your day to day navigation. It's really stable. From what I remember it has crashed 2 or 3 times in a time span of more than 1 year. Besides that, no worries!

Firefox features I like most 
From the innovations and my own tweaks, the ones that I like most are:

- URL auto-completion
One of the greatest features (there are lots of them) is URL auto-completing - they call it "Location bar and auto-complete". Type the title or tag of a page in the location bar to quickly find the site you were looking for in your history and bookmarks. Favicons, bookmark, and tag indicators help you see where the results are coming from.

This is implemented through a lightweight database that stores the URLs already visited. The more you access a URL the high will be its rank in the list of visited URLs. You just start typing the address and instantly you get the URL you're after. You don't need to type the whole thing every time. It's a must. I use it all the time. See it in action:


- New revamped Download Manager
The Download Manager is fantastic too. You don't need to start your downloads all over again in case you interrupt them. You can resume from the point you stopped. You can check more info about its improvements in the next version of Firefox at the page Download Manager improvements in Firefox 3. See its face:


- More available screen size (this is my own tweak)
More size to see the web page content. You can personalize your browser so that your toolbar buttons don't fill the space you could use to visualize content and more content. Check how I customize my browser so that I have the best fit:


I've shrunk the above window to show it here, but you have a big space to type your URLs in the location/address bar.

I don't have any toolbar. I just put all the buttons I use most on the left of the address bar and the standard menus on the right. To do this simply right-click on one of the menus and select "Customize...". From there you can change the disposition of the buttons. Click and hold one of the buttons and put it anywhere you want. As I did I put them on the left and right side of the address bar. I just don't use the standard toolbars that are: the Navigation toolbar and the Bookmarks toolbar. To not use them, uncheck them. What you gain? More space.

- Restore Previous Session
Restore Previous Session is the other one that I think is really helpful. You see, while I was composing this post I had to get some screenshots. To do this I should have pressed the key Print Screen on the keyboard but instead I pressed the key Power that is just above the Print Screen one. What happened? My computer hibernated. I did this for three times in a row. The last one I hit the restart button on my machine while it was going to hibernate. I don't know why I did it. I lost all the applications that were in memory. Firefox was one of them. Now I just came back to continue typing this post and opened Firefox again. What did I get? The following dialog:


Clicking on Restore Previous Session, Firefox brought back all the tabs that were open the time the computer was turned off accidentally. Fantastic, isn't it? It can help a lot in case of power failure too.

The change from Internet Explorer to Firefox
I remember that I was reluctant in changing from Internet Explorer to Firefox. I decided to try Firefox one day. I installed and used it a little bit and I didn't like it, so I uninstalled and continued using Internet Explorer. I don't remember exactly when I gave it a second chance, but the fact is that I gave and this time I think it is forever. After playing with it a little bit more I saw how customizable it was through add-ons, etc (e.g.: the tweak I did with the toolbars isn't possible with Internet Explorer).

After the changing I don't want to go back to IE. Firefox is much superior in quality and velocity. You navigate the internet really faster.

Remember one thing though: you should have a version of Internet Explorer in case you need it for a site that doesn't work well with Firefox. Yes, there are sites and forms that don't play well with Firefox yet. If you ever be in such a situation, just open IE and try with it. That's what I do and it has worked fine.

How to get Firefox
If you don't know, Firefox runs on various versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many other Unix-like operating systems.

You have three options and on the date of this post the Firefox versions you can download are:

The current stable release version
Firefox You can get it at the page Firefox web browser | International versions: Get Firefox in your language.

Beta version
The beta version is Firefox 3 beta 5. You can get it at the page Firefox web browser (beta) | International versions: Get Firefox in your language.

Nightly builds
Nightly builds are the ones I use. Each day we have a new one. You can get it at the latest trunk page.

Final notes
It's impossible to comment on every part of Firefox that I like. I hope that you could have gotten the notion of a few of the capabilities of this splendid piece of software. I think of Firefox as a work of art. In truth it's what it is: a work of art.

Firefox's source code is free software.

The open source community must be recognized as a powerful and expressive one. They are on the scene. Congratulations to everyone that helps make Firefox such an work of art. It's amazing to realize how a collaborative work has evolved impressively during the last years.

Folks, keep up the great job and continue innovating all the time. That's what makes someone like me write a post like this.

Mozilla Firefox article at Wikipedia

The History of Mozilla Firefox article at Wikipedia

mozilla - Developer Central

Complete list of Firefox features

Recommended Add-ons :: Firefox Add-ons

Firefox 3 for Developers - Mozilla Developer Center (MDC)

Introduction to the F# programming language

Yesterday after reading the post YAPES: Problem Five at Dustin Campbell's site Did it with .NET, I was motivated to download the F# compiler bits. I've been keeping track of the news related to this new programming language but still hadn't felt a strong desire to play with it. There are so many new technologies emerging that you sometimes don't know where to focus your attention. Read the post The "Driving Force" pattern--part 1 of N so that you get a glimpse of what I'm expressing here.

This time I couldn't resist and so I'm really going to study this new language. Why have I decided to do so? It's because F# is a simple yet powerful new programming language that let's you express your thinking process in a more convenient way. By looking at the solutions presented in Dustin's posts you can have a taste of the power of F#.

F# is based on principles of functional programming although it's a mix of the different flavors of programming paradigms. That's because it targets .NET Framework. This way it is a multi-paradigm programming language with concepts of imperative and object-oriented programming disciplines.


The language is being developed at Microsoft Research. The folks behind the language plans to ship it with the next version of Visual Studio according to Somasegar's post F# - A Functional Programming Language. In the near future F# will be a real citizen of the .NET family of programming languages.

To me it's a completely new experience. I'm already familiarized with the new language extensions of C# like generics, lambda expressions and anonymous functions that bring to C# some of the concepts initially developed and implemented in functional programming languages. The ones mentioned here are a few language constructs if compared to the whole gamma of new functional language constructs that I must learn. There are plenty of them that I haven't seen in practice before. I'm really excited about what I'll learn on the next days and months.

OK, after a brief story it's time to show how you can start playing around with F# too.

Download F#
Go to the F# download page and get the .msi or .zip package. You can use Windows or Linux (Mono) to develop F# programs.

The package brings the F# compiler and a F# project template and debugger to be used within Visual Studio. Yes, although F# is new it has already gotten into Visual Studio. You get a lot of cool features using VS integrated development environment. The only drawback is that you need a paid full featured version of Visual Studio. Visual Studio Express editions aren't good to go. Check why in this thread about F# with Visual Studio Express.

I searched the internet and found a solution in the case you don't have a paid version of Visual Studio and want to use the VS IDE to get type checking and debugger warnings. You can follow the instructions of the post Do it yourself: Visual F# Express 2008. Basically you'll download a Visual Studio IDE that accepts add-ins but this IDE doesn't include the other .NET language as C# and VB.NET. I didn't try it because the download is big (316 MB) if you take into account that I still use a dial-up connection.

Final notes
One of the most interesting things of working in the technology arena is the velocity in which things are developed and shipped to the market. It appears that all the research done on the 70s are becoming real products today. This is because in the past there wasn't the opportunity of breaking barriers like we have today as getting in touch with people from anywhere in the world. We didn't have access to top technologies ten years ago. After the internet everything is more democratic and that's what makes the technology field one of the best to work on. You have the possibility of spreading to the world your new discoveries and they get to reality much faster. If you haven't read Somasegar's post I linked above, do so and you'll see what I mean.

F# site at Microsoft Research

Don Syme's WebLog on F# and Other Research Projects - The guy behind the curtains

Chris Smith's completely unique view on F#, more F#, and maybe other stuff

Brian's random thoughts about writing code for .NET

Jomo Fisher -- Sharp Things

LukeH's WebLog

Expert F# by Don Syme, Adam Granicz and Antonio Cisternino
Foundations of F# by Robert Pickering

Hello World Web Site with ASP.NET MVC

Hello World
A "hello world" application prints out "Hello, world!" on the screen. It is used in many introductory tutorials for teaching a programming language or upcoming technology. Such a program is typically one of the simplest programs possible in a such language or specific technology.

is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft, that developers can use to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime, allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any supported .NET language.

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from user interface considerations, resulting in an application where it is easier to modify either the visual appearance of the application or the underlying business rules without affecting the other. In MVC, the Model represents the information (the data) of the application and the business rules used to manipulate the data, the View corresponds to elements of the user interface such as text, checkbox items, and so forth, and the Controller manages details involving the communication to the Model of user actions such as keystrokes and mouse movements.

In detail what happens in the Model-View-Controller pattern is:

  • Browser requests URL
  • Route is determined
  • Controller is activated
  • Method on Controller is invoked
  • Controller does some stuff
  • Controller renders the View, passing in ViewData

Hello World Web Site
This Web Site basically displays a "Hello, [Name]" message. The variable "Name" receives the data that is passed in the URL to the HelloWorldController action method. The action method will store the URL data in the Controller's ViewData object. The ViewData object will then be used when the View is rendered. It'll be more clear after you implement the code.

Note: I'm not using database interaction (database Model), so the Model part of the MVC pattern isn't created.

I'll show you the steps I used to get an ASP.NET MVC Web Site running with Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition.

It's important to note that the current version of ASP.NET MVC is the ASP.NET MVC Preview 2. This version wasn't planned to be used with Visual Web Developer Express, so it's necessary to use an adapted project template to get it going properly.

Stuff to download
In order to get the necessary software parts you should install the following if you still haven't them.

  1. Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition
  2. ASP.NET MVC Preview 2
  3. ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview
  4. ASP.NET MVC Project template

It's mandatory that you install all the above software to avoid erros when debugging the web site. I've run into errors just because I hadn't the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview, so do install everything.

Implementing the Hello World Web Site
Open Visual Web Developer and go to menu File - New Web Site. On the New Web Site dialog window, select your language of preference according to the ASP.NET MVC Project Template you selected above. This option can be selected on the combo box related to Language. If you don't change the language you won't see the project template. Give the Web Site the name HelloWorldMvcWebSite.


The project structure is different from the one of a Web Application that is only available on paid versions of Visual Studio Web Developer that is included in Microsoft Visual Studio Standard and Microsoft Visual Professional.

The following is the the structure you get when a new ASP.NET MVC Web Site is created:


Creating a new Controller
Let's create a new Controller called HelloWorld. To accomplish this, right-click on the file HomeController.cs and select Copy. Right-click on the folder Controls and select Paste. You'll have a new file called Copy of HomeController.cs. Right-click on this file and rename it to HelloWorldController.cs. Open this file and change its content so that it looks like the following:

public class HelloWorldController : Controller
  public void HiThere()

Creating a new View
Let's create a new View that will render the data. To accomplish this, right-click on the folder Views and select New Folder. Give the new folder the name HelloWorld. Now right-click on the file Index.aspx and select Copy. Right-click on the folder HelloWorld and select Paste. You'll have a new file called Index.aspx inside the HelloWorld folder. Right-click on this file and rename it to HelloWorld.aspx. Open this file and change its content so that it looks like the following:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="HelloWorld.aspx.cs" Inherits="views_Home_Index" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <title>Hello World ASP.NET MVC Application</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
         <h1>Hello, <%= ViewData["Name"] %></h1>

Configuring the routes on the Global.asax file
The routes map the URL to the proper action method defined within the Controller.

An action method called HiThere was created inside the HelloWorldController. This method is responsible for invoking the RenderView method that then will render the View (HelloWorld.aspx).

To the above described take effect it's necessary that the proper routing (mapping rules from URLs to action methods) be configured when the application starts.

Open the file Global.asax and change its content so that it looks like the following:

<%@ Application Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Mvc" %>

<script RunAt="server">

  void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Code that runs on application startup
    RouteTable.Routes.Add(new Route
      Url = "[controller]/[action]/[id]",

      Defaults = new { action = "HiThere", id = (string)null },

      RouteHandler = typeof(MvcRouteHandler)

    RouteTable.Routes.Add(new Route
      Url = "Default.aspx",

      Defaults = new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = (string)null },

      RouteHandler = typeof(MvcRouteHandler)

  void Application_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //  Code that runs on application shutdown

  void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs

  void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Code that runs when a new session is started

  void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Code that runs when a session ends.

    // Note: The Session_End event is raised only when the sessionstate mode

    // is set to InProc in the Web.config file. If session mode is set to StateServer

    // or SQLServer, the event is not raised.


The structure of the Web Site must be like the following in the end:


Starting the debugger
Now hit F5. The Web Site will appear in a new web browser window with the following URL: http://localhost:1717/HelloWorldMvcWebSite/

A message of Welcome will be displayed since the page Index.aspx is the Start Page.

Type the following address: http://localhost:1717/HelloWorldMvcWebSite/HelloWorld/

A "Hello,", message is shown. The HelloWorld Controller is being called according to the route table defined above. The default method is HiThere with its id parameter set to null. That's why the View (HelloWorld.aspx) is showing a "Hello, " message. Since an id isn't being passed the only message shown is "Hello, ".

Typing the following address: http://localhost:1717/HelloWorldMvcWebSite/HelloWorld/HiThere/Leniel

A "Hello, Leniel" message is shown. This time the URL conforms with the route that was defined inside the Global.asax file, that is:

Url = "[controller]/[action]/[id]"

These are the assignments done when the routing system detects a URL like the one above:

controller = HelloWord action = HiThere id = Leniel

Final notes
There is no doubt that the ASP.NET MVC Framework turns the life more clean and simple.

It's always good to work in an organized environment. Separating the code related to data base interaction (Model), business logic (Controller) and Presentation/UI (View) is perfect.

Not so long ago, the programming environment was a mess wit lots of event handlers mixed with data base interactions and UI code. It was really difficult to manage all that mess. But thanks God things are getting better as it should.

Another great advantage is how the URL routing is done. It translates/conforms well to the naming scheme adopted in a given project. No more unreadable URLs that are difficult to deal with. It lends to a better searchable web site. The website will play friendly with web search crawlers.

To get a handful of examples I advise you to check ScottGu's blog. http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/tags/MVC/default.aspx http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/11/13/asp-net-mvc-framework-part-1.aspx

ASP.NET MVC : The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site

ASP.NET MVC - Building Web Apps without Web Forms

you've been HAACKED

Visual Web Developer Web Site Project
You can get the Hello World MVC Web Site project at: http://leniel.googlepages.com/HelloWorldMvcWebSite.zip